Sunday, January 16, 2011


Quite by accident, I noticed the total number of blog posts here yesterday-- 250 since October 2008. Yes, a meaningless milestone. Looking back on the early stuff, it was all pretty pedestrian and we were working out how to use everything and composing it on my preferred (and mildly arcane) Opera web browser, which guaranteed a lousy looking blog when viewed on Internet Explorer-- at least initially. After 27 months and 251 posts, we're starting to get the hang of it. Be patient-- this is still a work in progress.

Thanks to everybody who continues to stop by to check out these assorted screeds and ramblings. It's both humbling and shocking that folks from all over the globe have checked this little outpost of ours out, and I know we have regular readers (via RSS and subscribers/followers) in places like Belgium, Vietnam, England, India, and France in addition to our friends and family in Germany and the USA. Truth be told, if it weren't for the fact that I know all of my aunts and uncles are checking in, this would have been a lot dirtier-- so please remember to thank them for keeping me honest, and for not pandering to the lowest common denominator by working blue... not too much anyways.

The term "Bicenquinquagenary" refers to the number 250, and is very much a lesser known term than the more common (or marginally less obscure, take your pick) "Sestercentennial," or "Semiquincentennial," all of which mean the same thing: 250th anniversary.


Anonymous said...

You are doing a great job hon. It's always great to peruse through the previous entries and see how much we have seen and done here together. Here's to another 250! -xo, B

Anonymous said...

Yes Honey, you are doing a wonderful job and your far flung friends love the posts. ;)

keep em comin, g.
