Saturday, May 8, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

I can't say this directly to my own mother, seeing as she is on a cruise ship bound for Norway as I type this (and won't be back home until late May), but to all the Moms out there (including my terrific Mother-In-Law), let me say it again-- Happy Mother's Day. And for all you negligent sons, daughters and dads out there, be happy you're not in Germany where the stores are all closed up tight on Sundays, meaning you can't get that last-minute box of candy or bouquet of flowers at the supermarket. Interestingly enough Germany, like most of Europe celebrates Mother's Day the same time as the USA, but there are a few countries who hold it on different dates (Ireland, U.K., France, Spain, Portugal, most of Scandinavia). But I look forward to sending my Mother her gift on either Polish Mother's Day (May 26); or maybe that of Bolivia (May 27). Everybody now-- Call your Mother!

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