G: Sorry for the lack of posts this month. Between the interminable wait for our apartment to be ready (latest setback: the floors aren't dry enough to install the tiling... which means that the kitchen can't be installed, or the contents of our shipping container moved into the place, yada yada), I've been taking intensive German language classes-- 4 hours a day, 5 days a week-- in a neighboring town, and the homework assignments can be a grind, plus B's workload has been definitely been kicked up a few notches, so she's been clocking in long hours. Add to this the fact that B will be heading off on business to China for a 2 week stretch on Sunday, which really throws a wrench into our move-in schedule.
But... not to whine. What's the old Chinese curse? "May you live in interesting times." I'll likely get around to fleshing out then posting some fragmentary entries and pictures I currently have saved in "Draft" status, and B will hopefully get enough computer access to post some pictures of China during her downtime there. So... as they say in radio, stay tuned!
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