Thursday, December 31, 2009

Boldog Új Évet Kivánok, Ath Bhliain Faoi Mhaise, Bonne Année, Felice Anno Nuovo, Gutes Neues Jahr, and Happy New Year

It's 12:45am on January 1st as I write this, but for my friends back in the States, festivities are just getting underway and Dick Clark is likely being awakened from his cryogenic slumber right about now so he can host another New Year's Rockin' Eve. The curious German Silvester (New Year's) tradition of lighting semi-professional level fireworks can still be heard and seen through the windows, and we're just winding down our evening here.

The header/title is "Happy New Year" in all the languages of the places we visited in 2009: Hungarian, Irish (Celtic), French, Italian, and German (Austrian). It's been a wild ride here, our first full year on the ground in Europe. Based on what we already know, this new year looks to be both more settled and more hectic at the same time. We wish all of our readers (and all you lurkers too, ya creeps) a very good 2010!

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