Wednesday, January 13, 2010

It Never Snows In Nuremberg, Year Two...

Second winter here, and the second time we have been emphatically told that it never snows in Nuremberg-- last year was a once-in-a-generation fluke. Riiiight. It's been snowing here since the 3rd week of December, and there is currently about 6-8" accumulation on our windowsill, it's snowing as I write this, and if we're lucky, the high temps may nudge over the freezing mark in the next few days (first time in weeks). I spent my formative years in western New York state (north of Buffalo, actually), and graduated from a college in the frigid midwest, so I know from snow. But really, enough is enough. Especially when we're supposed to be getting zero white stuff. I took this photo yesterday of the notorious East German Trabant with a full layer of snow on it. That car isn't going anywhere.


Anonymous said...

That car has a 2-stroke engine?! Holy cow!

Anonymous said...

BTW, you can blame all that snow on Global Cooling.