Professors of Americana
Nearly 6 months after the move home, and things are finally settling down here. While I will devote an upcoming entry to the 6-month phenomenon that is curiously a near-universal experience amongst expats (both coming and going), I'm pleased as punch to say that our old neighbors from our Nuremberg apartment building, A&C, just relocated to Portland this week. A&C are Brits, and while I think they will have an easier time settling in than, say, Germans, moving to any country is a process-- and let's face it, the good ol' USA counts as a sensory overload. So while they will have some access to a dedicated relocation agent to get some of the basics taken care of (bank accounts, cell phone carriers), the trials of moving to a permanent place, figuring out where to eat and shop, and a myriad of other issues will soon surface. Actually, we're sort of looking forward to helping-- for a start, it will help us to reacquaint ourselves with Portland, and it's always a gas to look at things through a newbie's eyes. Plus we can help them to blend in quicker-- English or not, they need to know pronto that nobody in Portland carries an umbrella (Gore-Tex baby!), that a quick way to spot a tourista is they pay to use public transit, and that Pabst Blue Ribbon is considered a serious beer here-- really, you can find it at the best restaurants (irony rules here in Rip City). We also plan to introduce our friends to the wonders of trash TV-- sure, we never miss an episode of Downton Abbey (and isn't O'Brien the worst person ever?), but we have Survivor, The Bachelor, and Toddlers & Tiaras to warp their minds with. As with all things immersion, we plan to take this slow, but we're going to have a fun time doing it.
-sounds like it will be a treat to show the 'newbies' 'round town. I'd take 'em to Ground Kontrol, if that's still around, even if they weren't keen on playing. As for Pabst, I wouldn't inflict that swill on my worst enemy. I'm sad to say that one can't watch Portandia here in the UK. Maybe you could turn them on to that program, too?!
Bea: Ah Ground Kontrol... I can get my "Discs of Tron" on. Good call. Pabst adoration is a very weird Portland thing, to the point that the PBR folks actually held a marketing survey clinic here trying to figure out exactly -why- people drink it, in the hopes that this phenomenon could be recreated elsewhere.
Oh come now-- you don't know the expat's secret to keeping abreast of your favorite movies and TV shows? Depends on your comfort level with grey area legalities, and the line in the sand has to be that you are streaming instead of downloading... but here's a few websites that may tickle your fancy:
Carrie Brownstein herself said that Portlanders don't get "Portlandia." As a non-native myself, I guess I'm safe. I just like the location shooting-- seems like all of old my old haunts from Green Noise Records to Urban Grind Coffee show up there.
O'Brien's bad, but not without conscience.
Thomas is perhaps even more evil, because he's not even got that conscience to rein him in now and then.
BTW these captchas r teh sux.
Ditch Blogger for Wordpress, G! Please?
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