Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Hills Are Alive With Repeat Destinations

Off to Salzburg Austria this weekend with our friend from home. It'll be our guest's first trip to Salzburg, and our second in 10 months. The original plan was to go to Prague, Czech Republic (a mere 3 hour drive from our front door), but it was scuttled at the last minute for any number of logistic and banal reasons. All in all, Salzburg is hardly a bad backup plan, and the trip there is a small delight-- train fare will be a mere 28 Euros for all 3 of us combined (pretty fantastic when you realize that a single tank of gas is 65 Euros), and the views of the countryside are fab. While there certainly is a Sound of Music bus trip available (again, it's pretty comical that most Europeans and Austrians have never seen the movie), after reading the incredibly entertaining book Salt: A World History (a must for foodies, travelers and history buffs) I'll be pushing for a tour of the area's famous salt mines (Salzburg literally means "salt city," and the local mines were the source of Salzburg's great wealth and power in olden times). In the end, time constraints-- we'll be on the ground for less than 2 full days-- will dictate the itinerary, but dare to dream.

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