Hey, it's not like we're slobs, but sometimes you let things slide when you don't have people over on a regular basis. Starting tomorrow we'll be hosting B's Mom for a couple weeks, with a number of daytrips (plus one big excursion) on tap. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some dust bunnies to wrangle.
Interested in your day trip plans. The BIL is doing his first trip to Europe in a couple weeks. We're thinking of a couple day trips and one long road trips. Not sure what exactly, though, day trip-wise.
Hmmm... let's see... we were going to wing it a bit, but some of the definite day trips on the docket included Rothenberg, Bamberg, Neuschwanstein (long day that one) and, weather permitting, a Rhine cruise. a power trip to Munich (using a Bayern ticket-- parking + Oktoberfest do not mix) was discussed but ultimately nixed owing to Oktoberfest and all the sloppy drunks on the trains at the time. There are also some second tier possibilities, but between these and the big trip, I think we'll be covered.
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