Sunday, April 10, 2011

Hard To Believe This Is For Kids

Aha, Dickmann's. Basically, they are a soft graham cracker base with 2 inches of marshmallow goo on top and a thin layer of chocolate coating the whole thing-- sort of like a high-rise Moon Pie without the top wafer. The "Special" edition ones have colored sprinkles on top. They are, in a word, disgusting. Oh, and the name is funny too.


Anonymous said...

You know what they used to call them, right?

The Accidental Expat said...

Wow. It's a sad day when renaming a product "Super Dickmanns" is a vast upgrade...

Anonymous said...

Cliff- I still have some colleagues at my company who refer to them with the old name! -B

Bea said...

I want some "Party-Spass".

The Accidental Expat said...

Bea: Have you seen what these things actually look like? Andrew Zimmern makes a lot of money putting similar shaped items in his gullet on "Bizarre Foods," And once you have a good look at them, you'll find the pirate imagery on the box has a disturbing subtext (especially when you find "South Park" and "Beavis & Butthead" funny as I do).

I tried these once. Once. The Über-sweet Dickman's make Little Debbie's taste like saltines by comparison.