Puerile week continues here at TAE, with, um, this stuff. There isn't a whole lot I can add other than Milch is German for "milk," which makes this ever grosser-sounding than it already does (South Park fans may recall the use of the word "milch" for something else entirely-- see the "Oprah episode" for a refresher).
Anyway Dickmilch is a bit of an odd item already, and I'm not sure it has any American counterpart. Basically it's thickened soured milk, and falls somewhere between sour cream and yogurt. I see a Canadian food services company selling this as "Set Milk," and suggests to use it as the starter or base for buttermilk or Gouda cheese.
The Canadians have an equivalent product, but we don't? I'm a little bit jealous. ;)
I'm a lot more jealous of their not-easily- gettable higher-alcohol beer than in the availability of dickmilch, but I'm weird like that. But then again, I'm not much of a Gouda cheese fan...
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