Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Nuremberg: Records Broken Here

I get my hair cut in the not-terribly-close city of Lauf an der Pegnitz (good hair cutters, like good mechanics, are worth tracking down). Lauf is some 25 miles away so I take the train out there every 5-6 weeks or so. While waiting in the Nuremberg train station, they were setting up for the world record attempt of the longest chocolate fruit skewer in the world. The Guinness folks were there, the table was being set up and the excitement was... nonexistent, to be honest. To be fair, I took this photo of the poster some 2 hours before the Big Event so maybe folks were getting psyched about it in private. Never did see the end result, but if this dull YouTube video of the event is any indication, I didn't miss all that much, other than maybe a tasty sugary snack afterwards. I can't find a shred of news about this event-- talk about under the radar world records!

1 comment:

Bea said...

The longest chocolate-covered fruit skewer?! Really? Lauf an der P. hasn't got much going for it outside of a good hair salon, I'd wager. What a snooze-fest.